RediRack’s in-house SARI’s (Sema Approved Racking Inspectors) offer RediRack users an annual racking survey as per current HSG76 guidance (Warehouse and Storage: A Guide to Health & Safety).

A SARI satisfies the criteria of the HSE for a technically competent person to carry out an annual inspection.

HSG76 guidance also gives the following recommendations for annual racking inspections:

‘Expert Inspections’

There are two types of inspection reports that are available in the market:

RediRack’s inspectors use SEMA’s traffic light reporting system which indicates the classification of the action that’s required over a certain period of time and provide detailed reports as shown in the table to the right.

For more information about RediRack’s Racking Inspection contact us.

RediRack offers our customers two versions of SARI report:

Report Content Expert SARI Report Premium SARI Report
Suitability of storage equipment
Suitability of operation
Correct pallets
Comment on housekeeping
Suitability of mechanical handling equipment
Load notices
Compatibility of storage equipment
Load stability
General safety
Damage list
Material list
Proposal for corrective action
Rack configuration
Rack layout key
Location of damaged items
Fully detailed drawing showing all Red, Amber & Green risks
The RediRack team had set out to visit a customer to conduct their pallet racking inspection. The in-house Inspectors are SEMA Approved Racking Inspectors and have undertaken meticulious testing in order to be awarded this accreditation.
SEMA's logo: RediRack are SEMA Full Members, having SEIRS Approved pallet racking Installers

RediRack are full members of SEMA (Storage Equipment Manufacturers Association), with our installation and inspection teams fully SARI (SEMA Approved Rack Inspector), and SEIRS (Storage Equipment Installers Registration Scheme) registered.