Racking Protection Barriers & Post Protectors

Racking barriers and post protectors, are safety products designed to protect pallet racking systems and the goods stored on them from potential damage caused by forklifts trucks or other equipment used in busy warehouses and storage facilities. These products help prevent accidents, reduce maintenance costs, and extend the life of the racking system.

Pallet racking supplied by leading UK pallet racking manufacturers RediRack

Collisions between forklift trucks and racking systems are common in busy warehouses. Implementing racking protection measures is essential to reduce damage, costs and operational interruptions. 

RediRack manufacture a comprehensive range of racking protection barriers and other products designed to help you to ensure that your Warehouse, Factory or Yard complies with the Health & Safety at Work 1974 regulations.

Racking protection barriers or rack guards, are safety devices designed to protect pallet racking systems and the goods stored on them from potential damage caused by forklifts trucks or other equipment used in busy warehouses and storage facilities. These barriers help prevent accidents, reduce maintenance costs, and extend the life of the racking system.

RediRack's Heavy Duty Protection Products

End-of-Aisle Barriers:

These racking barriers are installed at the end of pallet racking aisles to create a physical barrier that prevents forklifts or other equipment from accidentally driving into the racking structure. End-of-aisle barriers are made of heavy-duty steel and are anchored securely to the floor.

Wrap around Post Protectors:

Wrap around Post Protectors are installed around the front and side face of the upright posts to provide additional protection against impact. They help to shield the vulnerable parts of the racking from potential collisions, acting as a buffer between the forklift and the racking, absorbing and distributing the force of any collision.

Pallet Racking Anti-Collapse Mesh Backing:

Wire mesh backing is a protective mesh panel that can be attached to the back of the pallet racking system. The mesh provides a secure solution against products potentially becoming dislodged and acting as a danger to pedestrians enhancing safety on site as well as reducing damage to goods.

The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974 requires you to:

Provide safe systems and equipment for using, handling, storing and transporting articles and substances.
Provide the relevant information, instruction, training and supervision as is necessary to ensure the health and safety at work of employees.
Health & Safety Inspectors and Environmental Health Officers will actively check for Racking damage on your site. Taking the time and effort necessary to implement the additional safety measures to protect your Racking could make the difference between damage which can be quickly resolved, and critical damage which could potentially result in a collapse.

RediRack’s Safety Barriers and Post Protectors help to shield the Racking in your Warehouse or Yard from damage from Fork -lift Trucks and other Machinery.

Our Heavy Duty Barriers and Post Protectors are painted in a top quality powder coated safety yellow, with an optional galvanised finish for external applications. They are designed for use on concrete floors, all products are supplied with conical wedge expansion anchor bolts and are simple to install.

Installing the appropriate Pallet Racking protection plays an essential part of ensuring your warehouse and storage
facilities operate efficiently. RediRack manufacture a range of racking protection products
designed to help you to comply with the Health & Safety at Work 1974 regulations. Taking such protective measures
minimises the risk of accidents, reduces downtime for repairs, and improves overall productivity by maintaining the
original structure of your pallet racking systems.

For more information contact RediRack or view the full racking range

Please contact us on 01543 279543 or email us at sales@redirack.co.uk

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